Jedlička Institute Foundation

Mission of the Jedlička Institute Foundation

Fundamental mission of the Jedlička Institute Foundation involves gathering funds and other means designated to improve comprehensive rehabilitation care which is provided to children and youth with physical disabilities in all its aspects – educational, instructional, rehabilitative and therapeutic ones – as well as providing comprehensive assistance aimed at preventing their social isolation. This assistance is directed towards clients and graduates of the Jedlička Institute and Schools and also towards non-profit organisations across the Czech Republic, which have similar mission as the Foundation.

Financial as well as material assistance which you provide to our Foundation is forwarded in full to the beneficiaries. 

In order to carry out its mission, the Jedlička Institute Foundation provides, acquires and cares for financial as well as real estate-related assets, and utilises proceeds from these assets to attain its objectives. In the Foundation we provide direct financial assistance to individuals as well as to the non-governmental organisations which implement projects in accordance with the Foundation´s mission and principles. The Foundation utilises all the revenues from the charitable collections and donations solely to disburse grants and contributions to the applicants. All the operating expenses are covered only by the proceeds from the Foundation´s own economic activity and from the Foundation´s assets.

The Jedlička Institute Foundation was established as one of the first foundations after the historic events of November 1989, more precisely on 22 October 1990. The Jedlička Institute Foundation was founded by the Jedlicka Institute and the Primary and Secondary Schools, the public-benefit corporation established by the Capital City of Prague, which provides education and comprehensive rehabilitation to pupils and students with physical and combined disabilities.

The Jedlička Institute Foundation follows up on the humanitarian legacy of Professor Rudolf Jedlička, MD., founder of the Jedlička Institute, who throughout his life promoted the idea of a full-fledged life of people with disabilities. We are members of the Association of Foundations of the Donors Forum and we comply with the Code of Conduct of the Association of Foundations. 

We have supported and we keep supporting

The Jedlička Institute Foundation helps children and youth with physical and combined disabilities up to the age of 30 or to the organisations with the same mission as our Foundation, which provides services to them. This is done through the contribution and grant procedure.

Beneficiaries obtain individual foundation assistance (natural persons) or foundation grants (legal entities). Some donors convey their wish regarding the beneficiaries and purposes of the donation already when providing their contributions. The donors want their contributions or donated items registered through a foundation with auditable and transparent accounting.

The Foundation will provide assistance to the applicant only if it is well acquainted with his or her situation. This condition is fully satisfied in our system. Contributions of the Foundation are often related to the activities of pupils and students of the Jedlička Institute Schools or activities organised by the Sport Club of the Jedlička Institute Prague and by other associations operating within the Service Centre Vyšehrad.

How can you help?

  • Through financial donation for the general mission of the Foundation
  • Through financial donation for specific charitable collection
  • Through non-financial gift
  • Through voluntary work and services

 You can decide on the precise purpose of your donation.

Through the Jedlička Institute Foundation you can transparently accumulate financial means for a specific person or a project. However, they have to comply with the mission of Foundation.

Do not hesitate to contact us.

Contribution to the transparent charitable account no. 350350/5500 

Charitable collection for Eliška and Olda who need notebooks

From their childhood, the twins Eliška and her brother Olda move around in wheelchairs. They were born prematurely in the 27th week of pregnancy, with low birth weight and diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The twins are now the students at the Jedlička Institute Secondary Schools. Eliška attends the business school and Olda is a student of social & community services. Major part of their lessons is now home-based, through online education. Moreover, Olda is recovering from surgery and spends most of his time confined to bed. Therefore, the computer is the only means for Eliška and Olda which enables them to be in contact with their teachers and classmates. Eliška and Olda would like to get new notebooks; the computers which they now have at home are old, unsuitable and do not meet the requirements for online learning. The twins have trouble when downloading applications which they need for their lessons. Caring for three children, of which two have disabilities, is a real financial challenge, therefore at present their parents do not have enough money to buy two new computers that would enable Eliška and Olda to participate in full-fledged learning and enjoy contact with their friends. The family asked our foundation for the contribution of 50,000 CZK to enable purchase of two notebooks. Any assistance will bring help to the family.

If you also wish to help, please make donation. You can contribute any amount to the transparent charity account no. 350350/5500 

Thank you on behalf of Eliška, Olda and other potential beneficiaries for whom the assistive aids bring the possibility of living active lives!


Registered office and correspondence address:

Nadace Jedličkova ústavu
Na Topolce 1713/1a
140 00 Prague 4

Phone: +420 241 083 554
Mobile phone: +420 777 023 411

Jak přispět

Platební příkaz:

Transparentní účet 350 350/5500

On-line platební bránou:

pomocí Darujsprávně.cz

Dárcovská SMS

další informace o DMS pro NJÚ

Další metody

Na vybraných místech můžete přispět do našich kasiček nebo se zúčastněte některé z našich předem avizovaných akcí a kupte něco v našem stánku.

Sponzoři a partneři

Ahrend Marketingová aplikace pro podporu prodeje a automatizaci zákaznické péče nám pomáhá s rychlým, bezpečným a spolehlivým doručením hromadných e-mailů.

Jsme na sociálních sítích


Nadace Jedličkova ústavu
Na Topolce 1713/1a
140 00 Praha 4

Návštěvní hodiny kanceláře:
Pondělí: 8:00-11:00
Středa: 12:30–15:00
Pátek: 12:30-16:00


Tel.: +420 241 083 554
Mobil: +420 777 023 411

Pro Nadaci JÚ navrhla a vytvořila